Thursday 29 October 2015

It´s good that we clonate humans??

In these times science is moving foward at biggest steps, we can clonate plants and inclusive animals, but the question is, should we clonate humans?

Firstly, clonating humans is so much complicated than animals or vegetables, so we dont know how this could be the process can go terribly bad and make horrible things like mutations and that so we should perfect the methods and perfect our minds to this new science

Secondly, we need to be prepared to "play to be god", just imagine that you know that in the world where is another person exactly as you. I say if you are going to be cloned, you should receive a intensive psycological treatment before and after.

Finally, I think that society isn´t prepared to clonate humans and people know even if they are needed for medical porposes (organs) they would be a little insecure about the mental health of some people

Valentin Soto II°B


  1. I don´t think that you have to receive a intensive psychological treatment, I don´t think that because there is someone exactly like you, you will be crazy, It would be interesting meet your own clon
    by David Baeza

  2. Hey, this isn't bad, Cloning will be one of the big steps in Humanity.
    Only if this use is in the right hands, imagine cloning everything!!!
    Thats crazy :P
