Friday 3 July 2015

Camila Rojel (It's Cami Blue Gaga Winehouse).

She was born in October the 7th, 1989 in Independencia. In her early life she went to liceo 1 Javiera Carrera and she was one of the best students on her class. She was the “inspired” one of the class, she was always thinking about deep stuff, poetry and music but she was shy so she was quiet most of the time. Her favorite subjet at school and high school was english (and it still is), but the subject that she don’t understand at all was physics.
Talking about physics, her physics teacher talked about anything but physics, and in the middle of the class he began to howl. He also called every student as “Lulu” for no reason.

Right when she left school she enters to Universidad Católica. There she studied bachelor's degree in english letters with a minor in Linguistics and literature. She had to study four years of literature and one of pedagogy.
Her first year was really hard because she had to get used to university’s rhythm.
While she was studying she met her first love, he was a miserable guy that studied biology at the same university. They met on Facebook and they turned into friends by their common taste in music and stuff, but that relationship did not come further than that.
After a few moths she met her actual boyfriend also on Facebook, but he wasn’t ate the same university. Finally she got a seven in her final project for the university and she graduated.          

Her first job was in Olimpio School, it was a sports private school located in estadio Israelita. There she had to teach 45 male students English, a really difficult challenge, but she made it. She had a great time there but also she messed up a little bit. Then she was fired for no reason so she had to accept it.
Then her second job was as a substitute teacher in San Lorenzo de Recoleta School, and there she learned about social differences. In that school the students were mostly humble and some of their parents were on prison, or had criminal backgrounds. Also outside the school there were thieves, and sometimes with weapons. She saw two different realities, but it was a very important learning experience, because it opened her eyes about what was going on. After a long period of time there, the official teacher came because she had a post natal license.
After that she came to Grace College until now. She came on May 2014 and when she arrived she had a very nice welcome.
At first the school gave her lot of work, but she is happy actually. One terrible thing happened to her, at her second week working on Grace College, her grandmother died. She was able to overcome it and deal with it, but she will never stop loving her and remember her. But like everything else Grace College has a bad part, something that she doesn’t like. One of the things that she doesn’t like about the school is that she thinks that the students are in a “bubble”, it means that they don’t see the reality, but she doesn’t blame them because their reality and lives are different, they only see the good stuff. Also something that annoys her is that the parents of the students are always pushing her and claiming about thing that happens in the class, but they don’t really know what happens in her class and how she does her classes.
But about the good things, she gets well with the other english teachers and she likes that the students are interested in learning and they have a prior knowledge base.

In her personal life she is actually ok, and speaking about her family, she has one brother that it’s 15 years old and one sister that is 20 years old and both of them are terribly bad in english, so sometimes she had to help them with their homework. Her parents are still together and they’ve been married for 26 years “happy years” according to them. Camila still lives with her parents and two siblings. She would like to become independent someday but she is comfortable with her actual life, especially because she loves her mother’s meals and desserts.
About her actual relationship Camila and her boyfriend are taking some time apart from each other. When they first met her boyfriend didn’t got a job so she push him to get something to earn money, so then he started studying graphic design. Something that she doesn’t like about him is that he is childish and he doesn’t project his life towards the future. Another reason why they are distanced now it’s because someone else came to her life. She doesn’t want to break up with him because they’ve been together about six years but that things make her annoyed and confused.

Finally for her future plans she wants to study next year and improve her knowledge. She doesn’t want kids because she saw her mother suffering and striving to give what she wanted and what she needed. One of her dreams would be live in London, and one of her frustrated dreams would be live in a chocolate factory because she loves candies and chocolates, in fact when she is stressed she has to eat Milky Ways to calm down.

She is super happy to go to US, but also she is afraid because she has never gone on a plane or out of the country.

By: Bruno Carbone, II°B


  1. Jajajajaja,good topic and good biography!
    Good Job!!!!!!!!!
    Francesca tubino

  2. I love your biography, it has a lot of informatión - Claudio Carrasco II°A

  3. Nice job! now we know more about Miss Camila
