Wednesday 1 July 2015

Philip Lester (AmazingPhil)

Philip Lester, also called AmazinPhil, was born on 30th January 1987 in Rossendale, England. He has been making videos since 2006. As of march 2013, his channel has over 670.000 subscribers.

He call his subscribers "Phillions", and commonly says "Rawr". Phil is know for not swearing in his videos due to having a young viewer demographic, Phil is well know for being very innocen and is often mocked about this by Dan Howell.

His favourite band is Muse; Phil and his best friend Dan are huge fans of Muse and their favourite album by the band is "Origin of Symmetry". His favourite Pokemon is Growlithe. He once had a pet shrimp called Simon that came in a packet of “prehistoric Triop”, who died on May 3, 2011. R.I.P. Simon.

Phil has become part of the famous “Fantastic Foursome” group of English YouTubers, which also includes Dan Howell (Danisnotonfire), Chris Kendall (Crabstickz), and PJ Liguori (KickthePJ).Along with Dan, he is also one of the presenters of the Super Amazing Project, a YouTube video series from My D*mn Channel, encompassing scary/freaky happenings sent in by viewers, challenges between the two presenters, and strange news from the previous week. He has appeared on TV numerous times including being on The Weakest Link, a advert, the Jeremy Kyle audience and Blue Peter. He has also been in a movie called ‘Faint Heart’.

Actually, Phil shares a flat in London with his friend Dan and post videos regularly about weird things that happened to him.

Javiera Vera, segundo medio A.