Tuesday 24 November 2015

Why tabaco shouldn't be permitted in public places

Tabaco is not only dangerous for people that consume, is dangerous for everyone around them, incluiding little kids. Cigarettes have other sustances like paint, poison, etc.

People that smoke must know that they don't only affect themselves, they affect everyone around them because of the smoke.

Studies of OMS shows that 500 of 4000 chemicals that tabaco contains are dangerous for humans and 50 are carcinogenic.

Smoking in public spaces should be prohibited because people shoudn't be afected by someone else's fault,

In our opinion tabaco should be for only personal consume in personal places like your home. Also the money that penalties of smoking in public places can be used for other purposes.

Ítalo Rojas, Nicolás Vera

Friday 13 November 2015

Men and women can be friends

In my opinion (a teenager girl of 16 years old) the friendship isn't about a gender or an age. I think friendship can be possible between anyone who has the same interest as you do. There are people who still think girls and boys can't be just friends without feeling anything, they say that without arguments, only with some experience. Sometimes a couple start being friends, but I think it can't be generalized
Firstly I believe boys and girls can be friends, very good friends equal to girls and girls or boys and boys. It's the same friendship. You can say stupid things to him or do weird things together.
Secondly I think they can protect each other, be confident and partners. You can't say this friendship can't be possible if exist so many of truly friendship without being love
To conclude if you are an old person please don't judge any kind of friendship because all can be good and all can be bad

Martina Vinueza

Why are textbooks so expensive in Chile?

Why are textbooks so expensive in Chile?  

"IVA" is not the only thing that hurts the prices of the books. Also influences the lack of machinery, ink or paper, as well as the little habit of reading. And there is also a cultural problem, where a person's minimum wage can spend up to 200 thousand pesos in to buy a new cell phone, but never a book. As well as also a bottle of alcohol is cheaper than a book.  

Studies show that do not increase the readers in Chile, in a study of the Unesco in 2012, Chile appears as one of the countries where less is buying books, with 35%, although on Colombia (32%) and Peru (23%). In comparison, in Spain is 57% and 56% Argentina.  

To reduce the prices of the books not only should eliminate IVA, but many more taxes. However, that would not be enough, the best thing we can do is to encourage further reading. I think that it should be a powerful campaign that involves all to promote reading, in schools and in the home. Reading is a means of learning and provides access to knowledge, but also of hobby and entertainment. 

Paula Vicencio

Thursday 12 November 2015

Street Harassment

Street harassment

Lewd looks, compliments, hisses, kisses, toots, pants, obscenes gestures, sexual comments, photographies and recordings to parts you become intimate, touches, pursuit and cornering, public masturbation and exhibitionism are constituent practices of street sexual harassment, exercised daily in the public space, principally against young and teen women. These actions generate diverse types of consequences in emotional terms, of use of the spaces and of safety perception.

The most difficult thing takes root in the invisibility of this type of practices. When one tries to position a topic that is not discussed, it justifies itself in name of the culture. The difficulty is this, to fight against the tradition, to face against a naturalized conduct and to have to explain why it is a problem.

And all that provoques that the simple fact of going out to the street turns into a nightmare for thousands of women, who from early age begin to be victims of hisses, frets and touches that affect them psychologically and diminish his sensation of safety in the public space.

Natalia Jiménez
II° medio A

Tuesday 10 November 2015


Catcalling is when someone shout something flirty to you on the street or inside of a car.
A lot of people thinks that catcalling other people makes them feel confident, but in my opinion that is not the case.

Being catcalled when you are just fine is really annoying, it doesn't feel good. Sometimes is even scary because you don't know the person, so if you try to defend yourself, you don't know if they are going to react worse. Thats make you feel really helpless.

When you try to explain how you feel about this to people, they are like ''Poor girl, it must be sooooo hard to be thought of as attractive and have men compliment you. Let me play a song for you on the world's smallest violin.'' thats really annoying because wanting to be relax and in peace is an actual right and it should be respected.

Catcalling doesn't make woman feel confident, actually, it makes them feel insecure.

This must stop because it violates human rights and the personal space. It encourage to people feel a domain on others and denigrates people.

That is not the way to catch the girl.

Sofia Videla

Monday 9 November 2015

Porn gives you unreal expectations

Porn gives you unreal expectations. This is a fact. I think porn pages (ex. Pornhub) should warn (remind) their users about this. For example: a room full of lesbians begging for a man is plain dumb. Also dangerous.

Porn industry is dangerous. Not only for the actors, but for the expectations and stereotypes it creates. It gives the (wrong) idea about many situations. It endangers women (mainly, not exclusively) all around the globe, making simple situations seem sexual, making a joke of sexualities and ridiculising trans people.

I believe that a (DECENT) warning should be put in every video/photo/movie, about how it is pure fiction and that sex should be CONSENSUAL. That no, not every mechanic woman wishes to have sex with you, and that what makes a lesbian a lesbian is her love for women, not men. Maybe that way (if the warning is actually well made) some of the harassment we are put through might lessen.

Amira Codina - II medio A

Sunday 8 November 2015


While is the fourth year siria war, there are 200.000 people killed, 18 million refuges and abused, and terrible structural destruction.
Important syria people are looking for peace.
My opinion?
I think that people who keep the conflict, should shelve all the humble people, like familys, leave their conflicts for them, BECAUSE NOT ALL THE POWER, NEITHER GREED, NEITHER MONEY, WORTH ALL THOSE LIFES.

Is it difficult to have progress in short term, but third countries, could generate a political dialogue.
FIRST: The difficulties are very strong, war has a variety of protagonist and fronts.
SECOND: the military gobernment, are fighting over a thousand groups, EVEN WORSE, they are fighting each other, for political leadership.
THIRD: There are a lot of differences in the economic and religious. That is a thing that keep more the conflict.
FOURTH: These groups are changing all the time the alliance and configurations, so it is more hard to establish political dialogue.
FIFTH: In some diplomatic means, it is considered to that Iran and Saudi Arabia do not compromise, will never come back the peace to syria.

The constant conflict on Syria, will still for years, power and money as basic countries, beats lives.
Without education and being full of weapons, nothing will ever change.