Wednesday 4 November 2015


The Cryonization is acorrding to Wikipedia “Is the low temperture preservation of animals and humans “ The purpose is the cure people when medicine becomes more avanced . The are currently several cryonized people the best know are former baseball player Ted Williams and his son. I am personally against cryonization because it is anti – nature process.
Firstly, the process is very dangerous, because if cryoprotectors arent used, or are used in a bad way , it can produce serious damage to bedy tissues and cells. Secondly the momento you awake from your cryonization can be quiet traumatic. Imagine waking up disoriented because is different! Thirdly , in more practicaly terms, it would be difficult to be a live again cryonized bureocratilly speaking

In conclusión cryonics is bad for the arguments that have already been exposed i hope that in the future we no longer do this

Paulette Vásquez -  II A

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