Monday 9 November 2015

Porn gives you unreal expectations

Porn gives you unreal expectations. This is a fact. I think porn pages (ex. Pornhub) should warn (remind) their users about this. For example: a room full of lesbians begging for a man is plain dumb. Also dangerous.

Porn industry is dangerous. Not only for the actors, but for the expectations and stereotypes it creates. It gives the (wrong) idea about many situations. It endangers women (mainly, not exclusively) all around the globe, making simple situations seem sexual, making a joke of sexualities and ridiculising trans people.

I believe that a (DECENT) warning should be put in every video/photo/movie, about how it is pure fiction and that sex should be CONSENSUAL. That no, not every mechanic woman wishes to have sex with you, and that what makes a lesbian a lesbian is her love for women, not men. Maybe that way (if the warning is actually well made) some of the harassment we are put through might lessen.

Amira Codina - II medio A

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