Sunday, 8 November 2015

The abortion

The abortion :

One month ago the government  presented  a project of law, which legalizes the abortion in three reasons: violation, evil formation and danger of life of the mother. My opinion is opposite, because:

a) It violates the human rights.

b) it violates the infantile rights.

c) It commits an outrage against the human dignity.

d) they considers the kid as a simple "thing"

In conclusion the abortion in any situation, only damages the humanity, for selecting who can be born.

Claudio Carrasco Rioseco IIA


  1. I don't think like you because actually it doesn't violate human rights because at the fisrts months of formation the FETUS is just a lots of cells.
    - Sofia Videla

  2. I don't think like you because actually it doesn't violate human rights because at the fisrts months of formation the FETUS is just a lots of cells.
    - Sofia Videla
