Wednesday, 4 November 2015

the world of tomorrow is close

The world of tomorrow, closer that what we think of...?

To begin with, how fast the world is moving foward to the world in the movies ?, pretty fasy right ?. This is not a particular thought, this is our new reality, in our phones there's more technology than in the first spaceship to the moon, we are closer to the events were time will only be a concep like alpha, beta or gamma.

First of all, many scientist are expanding the world of tomorrow every day, new thories about how the things in movies work, the most interesting thing about this, is that many of this theories, are writen by commom people like you or me, the people nowdays ir more inteligent, and there's no one that could deny it.

Secondly, the laboratories and universities, are co-working to reach the goal of things like, for example, the tiniest gears for micromachines, plasma based propultion, and independant veicles that don't need gas, things that combinated with the many ideas of diferent researchers will grant a brilliant future.

Finally I go back to the conclusion of the first paragraph, the population is more inteligent, they have thoughts about what is going to happend, how its going the world to looke like in 20 years from now, how are we going to look like... I see our generation in a brilliant future that its coming  fast, so fast....

Simón France IIºB

1 comment:

  1. I really wanna see all the things that appear in the movies, like flying cars or nanotechnology
    by David Baeza
