Wednesday, 4 November 2015

THE 1975

The 1975, an indie-rock band formed in Manchester, UK. Formed by MAtty Healy (vocalist, guitar player), Adam Hann (guitar player), Geroge Daniel (drums, vocalist) and Ross MacDonald (bass). This band is currently avtive and continues drawing songs. 
There are reasons why they should liston to The 1975, besides they sing well, the lyrics of theri songs arre pretty good, like "Settle Down" 2013, "Love me" 2015, "She way out" 2013, "Heart Out" 2013, "Girls" 2013 and "Chocolate" 2013.
In conlcusion I think that it should listen to this band for their good song and voices.
-Ana Lerma II°B


  1. I love that band, and I also think they have some incredible voices

    Javiera Valdebenito


  2. I love that band, and also think they have some incredible voices.

    Javiera Valdebenito
