Wednesday, 4 November 2015


The simce is a test that in Chile is in use for measuring the standards of learning achieved by the students in different levels of education and they complete the analysis that realizes every establishment from his own evaluations, since situan the achievements of the pupil in national context or it is what tries to persuade the agency of the quality of the education. The colleges have as aim obtain scores high places in these tests and for this they give us as pupils to produce an excellent test that his only one sense is that people come mas to his college, try that we think that it is to feel proud of our alone establishment for a simple puntaje when actually us deberiamos to feel proud only of our achievements not of the x score  that the pupils. They managed in order that the college increases his pupils' quantity and have mas revenue. When it was small it was going in a nuns' college and all my childhood I lived shocked for the simce (the discipline was the light of the college) was an almost a regiment, my sister and I so the simce the same year and cause many stress being that us we should to have worried of playing instead of studying for a test so little relevant for our lives,  I always think that was "the great thing" and doesn't  want to know what happen to me if it was not producing an excellent test, because no one  said to me that it was alone in benefit of the establishment, and now that I have use of the reason and am not easily influenced as for my way of thinking I realize that bring me nothing in the life to produce this all tries. Because no one said to me that there was alone a test that Chilean pupil was not benefiting, SAY NOT TO THE SIMCE! 

Barbara alarcon II°b

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