Tuesday, 10 November 2015


Catcalling is when someone shout something flirty to you on the street or inside of a car.
A lot of people thinks that catcalling other people makes them feel confident, but in my opinion that is not the case.

Being catcalled when you are just fine is really annoying, it doesn't feel good. Sometimes is even scary because you don't know the person, so if you try to defend yourself, you don't know if they are going to react worse. Thats make you feel really helpless.

When you try to explain how you feel about this to people, they are like ''Poor girl, it must be sooooo hard to be thought of as attractive and have men compliment you. Let me play a song for you on the world's smallest violin.'' thats really annoying because wanting to be relax and in peace is an actual right and it should be respected.

Catcalling doesn't make woman feel confident, actually, it makes them feel insecure.

This must stop because it violates human rights and the personal space. It encourage to people feel a domain on others and denigrates people.

That is not the way to catch the girl.

Sofia Videla

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