Wednesday, 4 November 2015

The death penalty

 The death penalty is a sentence that is given to people who commit serious crimes which would be death.

In Chile since 2002 the law no longer applies since the law was abolished
There are still countries where the death penalty sige force such as in some US states.

My opinion is that I agree with the death penalty to the most serious crimes such as murder and so that people begin to think that you can not take a life without consequences.

In conclusion it was a bad idea as they removed the death penalty law .

                                                                                                            Javiera Valdebenito


  1. I'm agree with you, there're some really bad crimes that deserve the death penalty

  2. I'm agree with you, there're some really bad crimes that deserve the death penalty

  3. I disagree with you because nobody has the right to take the life of another person.

    Andrea Chávez
