Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Why tabaco shouldn't be permitted in public places

Tabaco is not only dangerous for people that consume, is dangerous for everyone around them, incluiding little kids. Cigarettes have other sustances like paint, poison, etc.

People that smoke must know that they don't only affect themselves, they affect everyone around them because of the smoke.

Studies of OMS shows that 500 of 4000 chemicals that tabaco contains are dangerous for humans and 50 are carcinogenic.

Smoking in public spaces should be prohibited because people shoudn't be afected by someone else's fault,

In our opinion tabaco should be for only personal consume in personal places like your home. Also the money that penalties of smoking in public places can be used for other purposes.

Ítalo Rojas, Nicolás Vera

Friday, 13 November 2015

Men and women can be friends

In my opinion (a teenager girl of 16 years old) the friendship isn't about a gender or an age. I think friendship can be possible between anyone who has the same interest as you do. There are people who still think girls and boys can't be just friends without feeling anything, they say that without arguments, only with some experience. Sometimes a couple start being friends, but I think it can't be generalized
Firstly I believe boys and girls can be friends, very good friends equal to girls and girls or boys and boys. It's the same friendship. You can say stupid things to him or do weird things together.
Secondly I think they can protect each other, be confident and partners. You can't say this friendship can't be possible if exist so many of truly friendship without being love
To conclude if you are an old person please don't judge any kind of friendship because all can be good and all can be bad

Martina Vinueza

Why are textbooks so expensive in Chile?

Why are textbooks so expensive in Chile?  

"IVA" is not the only thing that hurts the prices of the books. Also influences the lack of machinery, ink or paper, as well as the little habit of reading. And there is also a cultural problem, where a person's minimum wage can spend up to 200 thousand pesos in to buy a new cell phone, but never a book. As well as also a bottle of alcohol is cheaper than a book.  

Studies show that do not increase the readers in Chile, in a study of the Unesco in 2012, Chile appears as one of the countries where less is buying books, with 35%, although on Colombia (32%) and Peru (23%). In comparison, in Spain is 57% and 56% Argentina.  

To reduce the prices of the books not only should eliminate IVA, but many more taxes. However, that would not be enough, the best thing we can do is to encourage further reading. I think that it should be a powerful campaign that involves all to promote reading, in schools and in the home. Reading is a means of learning and provides access to knowledge, but also of hobby and entertainment. 

Paula Vicencio

Thursday, 12 November 2015

Street Harassment

Street harassment

Lewd looks, compliments, hisses, kisses, toots, pants, obscenes gestures, sexual comments, photographies and recordings to parts you become intimate, touches, pursuit and cornering, public masturbation and exhibitionism are constituent practices of street sexual harassment, exercised daily in the public space, principally against young and teen women. These actions generate diverse types of consequences in emotional terms, of use of the spaces and of safety perception.

The most difficult thing takes root in the invisibility of this type of practices. When one tries to position a topic that is not discussed, it justifies itself in name of the culture. The difficulty is this, to fight against the tradition, to face against a naturalized conduct and to have to explain why it is a problem.

And all that provoques that the simple fact of going out to the street turns into a nightmare for thousands of women, who from early age begin to be victims of hisses, frets and touches that affect them psychologically and diminish his sensation of safety in the public space.

Natalia Jiménez
II° medio A

Tuesday, 10 November 2015


Catcalling is when someone shout something flirty to you on the street or inside of a car.
A lot of people thinks that catcalling other people makes them feel confident, but in my opinion that is not the case.

Being catcalled when you are just fine is really annoying, it doesn't feel good. Sometimes is even scary because you don't know the person, so if you try to defend yourself, you don't know if they are going to react worse. Thats make you feel really helpless.

When you try to explain how you feel about this to people, they are like ''Poor girl, it must be sooooo hard to be thought of as attractive and have men compliment you. Let me play a song for you on the world's smallest violin.'' thats really annoying because wanting to be relax and in peace is an actual right and it should be respected.

Catcalling doesn't make woman feel confident, actually, it makes them feel insecure.

This must stop because it violates human rights and the personal space. It encourage to people feel a domain on others and denigrates people.

That is not the way to catch the girl.

Sofia Videla

Monday, 9 November 2015

Porn gives you unreal expectations

Porn gives you unreal expectations. This is a fact. I think porn pages (ex. Pornhub) should warn (remind) their users about this. For example: a room full of lesbians begging for a man is plain dumb. Also dangerous.

Porn industry is dangerous. Not only for the actors, but for the expectations and stereotypes it creates. It gives the (wrong) idea about many situations. It endangers women (mainly, not exclusively) all around the globe, making simple situations seem sexual, making a joke of sexualities and ridiculising trans people.

I believe that a (DECENT) warning should be put in every video/photo/movie, about how it is pure fiction and that sex should be CONSENSUAL. That no, not every mechanic woman wishes to have sex with you, and that what makes a lesbian a lesbian is her love for women, not men. Maybe that way (if the warning is actually well made) some of the harassment we are put through might lessen.

Amira Codina - II medio A

Sunday, 8 November 2015


While is the fourth year siria war, there are 200.000 people killed, 18 million refuges and abused, and terrible structural destruction.
Important syria people are looking for peace.
My opinion?
I think that people who keep the conflict, should shelve all the humble people, like familys, leave their conflicts for them, BECAUSE NOT ALL THE POWER, NEITHER GREED, NEITHER MONEY, WORTH ALL THOSE LIFES.

Is it difficult to have progress in short term, but third countries, could generate a political dialogue.
FIRST: The difficulties are very strong, war has a variety of protagonist and fronts.
SECOND: the military gobernment, are fighting over a thousand groups, EVEN WORSE, they are fighting each other, for political leadership.
THIRD: There are a lot of differences in the economic and religious. That is a thing that keep more the conflict.
FOURTH: These groups are changing all the time the alliance and configurations, so it is more hard to establish political dialogue.
FIFTH: In some diplomatic means, it is considered to that Iran and Saudi Arabia do not compromise, will never come back the peace to syria.

The constant conflict on Syria, will still for years, power and money as basic countries, beats lives.
Without education and being full of weapons, nothing will ever change.


The abortion

The abortion :

One month ago the government  presented  a project of law, which legalizes the abortion in three reasons: violation, evil formation and danger of life of the mother. My opinion is opposite, because:

a) It violates the human rights.

b) it violates the infantile rights.

c) It commits an outrage against the human dignity.

d) they considers the kid as a simple "thing"

In conclusion the abortion in any situation, only damages the humanity, for selecting who can be born.

Claudio Carrasco Rioseco IIA

Thursday, 5 November 2015

the abortion

The abortion means an interruption of the pregnancy that can be provoked for reasons natural or provoked with premeditation, his intention is to finish with the pregnancy (or to provoke the premature ending) and to anticipate the vital development of the embryo or fetus for his elimination

In my opinion, I disagree with the abortion due to the fact that nobody has the right to take the life from someone who does not have fault, they have all right to living, and the person who aborts probable mas is that it could stay with psychological problems due to a feeling fault

In conclusion: the abortion is to end with the vital development of a fetus or embryo during pregnancy and so as to be able to remove the baby of the wadding of the mother, it should be illegal because the person that aborts would cause many damage both physical and psychological and would be killing a person who is not to blame
junk food:

The fast food chains now sell a high percentage of fats in its products as well as his drinks have chemicals that affect our health, and many years ago we eat these foods thus has the effect obese people have problems cholesterol or weight exceeds the limits, this looks in greater numbers in schools.

 Most of materials used at McDonald´s are not 100% natural:
Food and drinks have incorporated chemicals products risky for people’s health, from the animals used during production, because they have bad living conditions, besides having a bad diet. The products sold at Mc Donald´s branches contain high levels of fat, calories, sodium, etc, which is not good for our physical condition. for this reasons so I think that you should not sell junk food in schools or not to the public as we are the only ones affected humans.

Drugs teenagers 
Nowdays teenagers have more access to drugs, because the price of some drugs like cocaine and cannabis has decreased and teenagers have more money. Also , most of teenagers tend to follow and copy what their friends or older people do, and tend to disobey their parents.
In my opinion teenagers should think twice before doing drugs. Everything in excess is bad for you.

Firstly, became drugs are bad for your health.
Secondly, because it can produce you psychological adicction.
Thirdly, because of the rise on the appetite.

In conclusion I think that there should be more education about this topics, because maybe this will be the way.

Wednesday, 4 November 2015

The Abortion

The topic is the abortion (The produced death of a child in the womb of their mother in any time of the stages that go from fecundation until moments prior to birth) about this topic I have two points of view the first is agree and the second is against.

Against: the abortion should not be valid, because when it is made it is committing a crime, the laws consider it as a murder. Also in this situation the fetus experiences pain because the abortion procedure is not performed under anesthesia which makes the fetus feels pain during it.

The abortion should not be valid, because it is a violation of human rights laws that said that every human have the right to life. If the fetus is an unwanted child, the solution is not an abortion, a right solution for these parents in this case is have the baby and give it up for adoption.
There is also the view of the Catholic Church because disagrees with it because it considers the abortion as a murder.

In favor: The abortion should be legal, because sometimes the pregnancies are produced as a result of a rape, this pregnancy would not be in order to bring a child, in this case the best solution would be to terminate with the pregnancy because it would be a child unwanted and probably rejected by the psychological trauma that may have the mother as a result of such violation.

Another reason why it should be legal, is to help those pregnant mothers who has detected if their baby has malformations or neurological problems that prevent develop and prevents that this child suffers or dies after the birth.

Chile not have the capacity to legalize abortion yet. With a difficult acceptance of the people that is against. The abortion can be done in extreme cases, as when a woman is raped. In addition to ensuring the proper treatment physical and psychological of these people, there must be some kind of institution fully prepared to help those who will have the approval of the law.

Michelle Abella

Time's up!

Thanks for your essays and comments on time, people! Hope I can get your marks ASAP.

- Miss Camila.



1. Sports is good because it improves blood circulation also teaches how to share and be patient and how to work in teams. Sport is very good because it prevents diseases and low anxiety levels.
I  believe that sport is a very healthy way to have fun and share with others

To complete i think it is essential to lead a healthy life and a lot of sport in order to be fit.

Nicolas Maturana 2-B


The abortion is something that shouldn't be discussed because it should be a right. But the church says that the FETUSES shouldn't be killed, because it's against the word of god. They doesn't care about women that suffer for a mistake or a violation (doesn't matter how they get pregnant).

Firstly when an abortion is done YOU DON'T KILL A BABY, JUST CELLS!! It's better that the baby doesn't born than a person with a shitty life.

Secondly EVERY woman should be able to do whatever they want with their bodies, because is their lives, not yours. And if the baby borns he wouldn't be a happy kid, because his mother doesn't want him. And if the mother make an abortion it would be so dangerous for her, because it would be clandestine (because is illegal hahahahahhahaha).

Thirdly the state shouldn't affect to our bodies, but it did, not because a group of people (with power) is against the abortion it should affect the whole country.

In conclusion abortion should be legal, because it's the best for everyone. YOU ARE NOT GOING TO HELL FOR AN ABORTION!! 

Paula Larenas

Why should we write essays?

It’s well known that teachers love to make us, their students, write essays, but, why? Do they really care about our opinion? Or is it  just something they like doing because they hate us?
I guess they go for the classic, that’s my opinion, teachers made them write essays, they make us write essays, and we are gonna make our students write essays. It is like they are used to do it, not to innovate.
But we all hate writing essays! That’s true, we have to think and to write, and we all know niggers  students hate doing that, because they’re lazy as fuck, and they waste all their time drinking and hanging out with friends. But what about the good niggers students? There are not good niggers it’s all an illusion, it’s on your mind brotha reader.
So, in conclusion we make essays because somebody told us to make them, and somebody told that person to make them one day, it’s kind of a cycle, almost magical.
And I still don’t like essays niggers.

Gabriel V.


The simce is a test that in Chile is in use for measuring the standards of learning achieved by the students in different levels of education and they complete the analysis that realizes every establishment from his own evaluations, since situan the achievements of the pupil in national context or it is what tries to persuade the agency of the quality of the education. The colleges have as aim obtain scores high places in these tests and for this they give us as pupils to produce an excellent test that his only one sense is that people come mas to his college, try that we think that it is to feel proud of our alone establishment for a simple puntaje when actually us deberiamos to feel proud only of our achievements not of the x score  that the pupils. They managed in order that the college increases his pupils' quantity and have mas revenue. When it was small it was going in a nuns' college and all my childhood I lived shocked for the simce (the discipline was the light of the college) was an almost a regiment, my sister and I so the simce the same year and cause many stress being that us we should to have worried of playing instead of studying for a test so little relevant for our lives,  I always think that was "the great thing" and doesn't  want to know what happen to me if it was not producing an excellent test, because no one  said to me that it was alone in benefit of the establishment, and now that I have use of the reason and am not easily influenced as for my way of thinking I realize that bring me nothing in the life to produce this all tries. Because no one said to me that there was alone a test that Chilean pupil was not benefiting, SAY NOT TO THE SIMCE! 

Barbara alarcon II°b


I would like to start saying that I love The Beatles more than anything in the world, and even though he was the best songwriter of the four of them, he was a really bad person.

Firstly, he was a really abusive and controlling on his girlfriends, including Cynthia (the mother of his first son) and Yoko. He was the one that made Yoko follow him everywhere, and shamed her for all the other men she had slept with. He was a misogynistic man, and you can evidence that on the Beatles song "Run For Your Life". (And also an extremely misogynistic and racist song, "Woman is the n***** of the world". Many people say that he was singing that to "do something about the oppression that black people and women were facing", but I think these are stupid excuses for the way he acted) 

Secondly, he was a bad father. He lost a major part of his son Julian's childhood, and when he left Cynthia for yoko, he just left him. Julian said later that Paul McCartney was more of a father than John ever was. (He even wrote a song for him to deal through the hard times he was dealing with, "Hey Jude") 

Thirdly, he was homophobic, once almost beating a man to death for asking if he was in a relationship with their then manager Brian Epstein. He never apologized and blamed it on being drunk. In a 1980 interview he said that he did it because "when you are 21 you want to be a man" and that he wouldn't care if someone said that to him again. In spite of what he said, I think the way he stood up to what he did was really immature.

In conclusion, I have absolutely nothing bad to say of most of his songs (or his physical appearance :Q_), but many things that he did and said were offensive to a lot of people.

Miss, please don't hate me is the truth.

Yulisa Monsálvez, II B

Gay marriage

The legislation in Chile recognizes the relationship between same sex people by the civil union
but i think the gay marriage has to be totally approve.

First of all, its not a choice to be gay, you dont chose who you love, you just do, i dont see the problem with gay marriage. They are just like us but they like the opposite sex, thats no problem. By other side, using ''God'' as a reason is complete insane, if youre a good freaking christian you dont dare judge other people, if  ''God'' exist he made us completly equal.

In conclusion, the gay marriage should be legal everywhere. its not bad, its natural. Love is Love, people should be able to express their feelings in every way possible.

Lucas Ramirez


The young people shuold read more.
The organization for economic cooperation and development announced that the percentage of young peolpe who read for pleasure decreased by 10,2%in the last decade.
As a benefit of reading is:
1) It gives easily to expose their own thinking and allows the ability to think.
2)Develops the capacity for judgment, analysis of spirit.
Well in conclusion I think that young people shuold read more because that helps them to culture yourself and find out and also to catch up on things that you like.
Bárbara Lagos 2MB



warm regards

Miss Camila. 

Alcohol in teenargers

Every day teenagers begin at an earlier age try new things, which is often they harmful to his health. One of these, for example, is alcohol. They believe that, because of drinking, they are going to be accepted in the circle where they are, or simply they follow their friends and are left without realizing what it can cause as the time goes by. Every time it is more easily for them to obtain this "drug" accepted by the society.

In my opinion to trying it it's not bad, since this way they know what they face, but when it is in excess and they stop should, since they don't think before doing the things this it leads to serious problems.

In addition, there are too many time that the parents do not realize this so they continue giving money to their children and do not knowi in what they spend it; because of it. every day it is necessary to have better communication with the children.

And the more important reason is that in teenagers not all their organs have stopped developing, so the consumption of alcohol poses athreat to their health.

In conclusion, I think that the consumption of alcohol in teenagers cannot be a taboo, but the parents must teach them to drink and to learn hor to be self - controled.

Felipe Zenteno II°B

Firemen's salary vs football players

P1: I think that firemans should gain at least the minimal salary, they work 24 hours of the day, but football players gain millions for moving a ball 90 minutes? 

P2: Firemans work 24 hours a day and his profit is 0. But a football player in spite of only playing 90 minutes wins between 1.200.000 up to 800.000.000 million, because not to give them at least the minimal salary? 

P3: the minimal salary might pay them to firemans in order that it reaches them to pay his belongings and to do that his effort costs a sorrow.

Cristóbal Martin Pezo Hernández - II A

Gay marriage 

The issue of gay marriage is something that is still not 100% accepted in society still different opinions, but I agree that something.First that all people have the right to be happy and this means being free and equal before the law also. Laws should be for everyone and should not matter if someone is heterosexual or not, that second children children of gays and lesbians should have the same rights as heterosexual couples.Today, the member of the gay couple who does not appear as adopter has no hereditary link and can take care of children in case of death of the adopter and third for the family, like every other institution, it is a social product subject to change. Human relations are crossed by culture, therefore, the rules and laws are modified in order to accompany cultural change. In conclusion we are all equal regardless of our appearance, sexual orientation, religion, etc.
Carlos Opazo

The abortion

Abortion is a very controversial issue in Chile, many people do not agree and there are many people who agree. Chile recently approved the abortion on three grounds; rape, non-viability of the fetus and also in the possible death of the mother, but i disagree under any circumstances.

Firstly, i could not kill a human being to be born in a few months, even if it is my own child; everyone has the right to be born. Performing on abortion would be a crime, in addition to the time of "operation", the fetus feels pain.

Secondly, abort rights are violated (the right to life of each person) if one does not want to raise the baby, one solution could be to give it up for adoption, so that the child can lead a normal life and have a good family atmosphere.

Thirdly, in Chile, as it is not legal, more woman risk their lives aborting secretly, because in these locations they do it without medical certificate and do not always have health conditions that are needed to make this type of operation.

To conclude, i disagree because it is a crime, a human is killed, it violates human rights and the life of the woman is at risk in clandestine abortions. I hope that they will not legalize abortion, everyone has the right of life.

Javiera Mellafe

Junk Food

It is food, that usually has:

  • Chemical additives and colourings.
  • Satured fat and trans fat.
  • Insufficient nutrient.


  • Type 2 diabetes.
  • Obesity.
  • Acne.
  • Cellulite.

  • Cheap.
  • Good flavor.
  • Easy to consume.

Junk food:

  • Burger.
  • Salchipapa.
  • Hot dog.


  • I think that the junk food have publicities, that isn´t truth, and if the world don´t find out about what happens, we will stay as the humans of "Wall-E".

Name: Fernando Espinal.
Grade: II B


The Cryonization is acorrding to Wikipedia “Is the low temperture preservation of animals and humans “ The purpose is the cure people when medicine becomes more avanced . The are currently several cryonized people the best know are former baseball player Ted Williams and his son. I am personally against cryonization because it is anti – nature process.
Firstly, the process is very dangerous, because if cryoprotectors arent used, or are used in a bad way , it can produce serious damage to bedy tissues and cells. Secondly the momento you awake from your cryonization can be quiet traumatic. Imagine waking up disoriented because is different! Thirdly , in more practicaly terms, it would be difficult to be a live again cryonized bureocratilly speaking

In conclusión cryonics is bad for the arguments that have already been exposed i hope that in the future we no longer do this

Paulette Vásquez -  II A
Are Video games Art?

The famous film critic Roger Ebert said that video games just use art in them but they are not art by them selves. I think otherwise. I belive video games are art.

Firstly, some people say that games don´t have a way to transmit emotions, but in fact they have one and it´s called "mechanics". The mechanics are the ways the player can interact with a game. If used properly, a game can make the player feel really involved in the action. Some action games like "Call Of Duty" or "Kill Zone" use it´s mechanics to make people feel like a killing machine, other games like "The Walking Dead" (From Telltale Games) or "Heavy Rain" wich core mechanics are based in decision making use mechanics to transmit a feeling of control to the user, there are games like "Spec Ops : The Line" a game in wich you have fun by throwing biological bomb in a battle field, just to later find out that you were murdering civilians.

In conclusion, video games deserve to be treated as an art form beacuse they can transmit emotions and points of view  through it´s mechanics.

Agustín Cortés II°B
Sex in teenagers
Actually, the teenagers have girlfriends or boyfriends at an earlier age, that's why having sex is more common. The hormones are shooted and the teenagers will always look for the oportunity of having sex.
In my opinion, the teenagers have the right to have sex whenever they want, but they have to take care of themselfs
Firstly, because lower clas
se parents are not well educated or do not know much and that makes their children not being taught well on the basis of sex why adolescent girls, 16% of women become pregnant.
Secondly, because you could get an ETS, as syphilis, gonorrhea, and obviously the best known AIDS, these diseases can be produced by unprotected sex, bodies are not mature, for dangerous or unhealthy behavior, etc.
And thirdly, because you can be dependent of sex to feel good, as the specialist says Roberto Sanz is very easy to get addicted to sex and pleasure that comes and a decrease in anxiety, as teenagers are not mature they are more likely to become addicted to sex.
In conclusion, the teenagers should be responsible for their actions, because if they are not, they could get serious problems.

Tomas Aguilera

The death penalty

The death penalty

In some countries the death penalty remains legal nowadays, and today I’m going to give my opinion about the abolition of it.

On a personal level I am against the death penalty, I think that it should be abolished wherever it is legal, and never be legalized in any more countries.


  • The right to live is a fundamental one, as serious as the committed crime could be, no country should be allowed to end a life.
  • Killing a criminal isn’t justice (as many people claim), is just revenge and goes against the prisoner’s right to rehabilitation.
  • U.S.A. is the only country on America where this penalty is executed nowadays, and on a global level it appears next to Iran, Irak and Saudi Arabia.
  • This execution has a high number of errors, for example in Oklahoma, one mistake injecting the lethal dose made the condemned to be agonizing for 43 minutes
  • With the death penalty a country is trying to teach you to not killing by killing you if you do it.
  • If a person is found guilty for a crime that he didn’t commit, once applied the penalty there isn’t a coming back.

In conclusion, the death penalty should be abolished since its inhuman, no human has the right to take the life of another one, and the people that commit a crime should be helped to get reinserted in the society, because in countries where the death penalty is legal (like Iran), there is still a high rate of crime, compared to the Nordic countries where they are strongly focused on the rehabilitation there is almost no crime.
Marco Araya

The death penalty

 The death penalty is a sentence that is given to people who commit serious crimes which would be death.

In Chile since 2002 the law no longer applies since the law was abolished
There are still countries where the death penalty sige force such as in some US states.

My opinion is that I agree with the death penalty to the most serious crimes such as murder and so that people begin to think that you can not take a life without consequences.

In conclusion it was a bad idea as they removed the death penalty law .

                                                                                                            Javiera Valdebenito

Should Pinochet come back??

Today, the figure and ideology of Pinochet is very questioned, hated or loved. Nowadays, many people thinks that he should come back, well, not him, but someone like him.

So, why Chile needs someone like Pinochet? Simple... first, the government, Bachelet´s government it´s terrible, cuz they care more about some tortured people in the Military Government than about the education. Secondly, this government is very passive. Peru has created a new district in Chilean territory (Arica), Argentina is doing a pipeline through the mountains to the General Carrera´s lake (CNN Chile news), , and Chile isn´t doing ANYTHING!!! Thirdly, Bachelet is Socialist, and we all know that socialism doesn´t work, why? Because they take OUR money, and do some crazy #%$& with it.

In conclution, it´s more than obvious that we need Pinochet back, to return the control and well-being.

- Wladimir Cobarrubias