Wednesday 25 March 2015

How to cook Chinese Spinach Soup

Chinese spinach soup

1.First, you're going to cut the spines equally onion. They have to be shredded , as if they were a leek .
2. Add in a pan a little oil for sauteing the vegetables (except spinach ) .
3. Now add the brown sugar and a tablespoon of soy sauce. They should just be al dente . Then take spinach to drain and it comes out excess water .
4. Add the spinach mixture of the second step. Sauté all together on low heat. Just do this for about two minutes without busting , because vegetables could be left with a slightly burnt flavor.
5. In a pot add water and then add the ingredients you 've skipped , all the above mixture now conform with water soup .
6.Put the pot on a boil . You've finally finished with the preparation of spinach soup .
Maximiliano Véjar
Carlos Opazo

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