Tuesday 24 March 2015

How to get good marks

  1.  You  must pay  attention to clases to get good marks  because if you have any questions in the class you  can ask the theacher and so when you study you won`t  have problems with doubts.


 2.Your need to take notes during class and if the teacher  explains something that has not issued or you do not    understand, you should takes notes, because this way you  will remember small things that you will use por a test.

3. A student should study way before the test, and not just  the day before.Studying daily will give you more time to  review and solve doubts.

4.Read the questions,and answer first the ones that you  find difficult, it makesit easy for finishing, otherwise,  if you start with the easy and are done with the hard, at  the time of answering the difficult, you'll be tired and  you won't anwer well.

5. Avoid having television,radio,cellphone,etc...or you     will lloose focus easily and what you read or write will   not stay you in mind.

6. Hopefully to study looking for a place with light and      with plenty of space and a comfortable chair, so that      your back position won't affect your state of mind.


Cesia Riccio  y Francesca Tubino      IIº B

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