Tuesday 24 March 2015

How to make a delicious cake

1) First add two cups of flour to a clean surface.

2) Now that you have your flour you are going to make a hole just in the middle of it (like a crater).

3) Then what you need to do is to add 4 eggs to the crater and add 2 spoons of baking powder (be
gentle with that).

4) Now you can mix it, do it with your hands until you get a nice dough, you can add some really small pieces of fruit or maybe an essence like lemon or orange.

5) Ok, time to mix it again, get 4 spoons of butter and 1 cup of sugar, apply force when you mix it.

6) Finally put this mixture inside a buttered cake pan (be careful). This is going to the oven for around 25 minutes at 250 degrees (°C) and You're done.

Claudio Carrasco.
Cristobal Pezo. 
Paolo Alquinta.


  1. How great! I know you know about this so I'll absolutely follow this tips cooking!

  2. We will try it for sure! it looks delicious!
    Very good article and good writing!:3
    Javiera, Sofía, Ana.

  3. Recommendation: with lemon zest would be delicious -Javiera Mellafe
