Monday 23 March 2015

How to: Survive University

  • First take a deep breath. Remember to dress properly, but comfortably. This isn´t fashion show, you aren´t a model. Don´t take too much weigh. The papers, the notebook and a snack.
  • Remember to eat properly. No, Maruchan and pizza and chinese takeout does't count. You need to eat healthy, or at least variate meals.
  • Don´t drink too much. (Coffee, energizers, vodka)  try to drink natural tea, but mainly water. Also, you have to remember that green apples are pretty energizing (or fruit in general)

How to: Be on a polyamorous relationship

If you are in love with tow or more person at the same time, and they are all of this, try to follow those.
  • SPEAK! Communication is esencial. If you are with two or more people, and they don´t know about each other, it´s cheating, and nothing else. Don´t do it, try to be open abut your feeling. Don´t confuse loving multiple partners with not wanting to break something else.
  • Not all your partners will want to have sex. What was ok with one partner night not be with other. Again, communication. Be open ask them to do the same for you.
  • Have in mind the pressure. In you aren´t ready for a commited relationship with one person, never mind two or more. If you don´t know how to tell your partner, show them this slide. It might give them a clue. 

Writing by: 
Amira Codina
Paulette Vasquez 
Paula Vicencio

2º MD A

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