Tuesday 24 March 2015

How to get better at League of Legends

(1)- First, you have to be disposed to win, you have to put the idea that you're going to win and don't    surrender to desperation and you will get considerably more effective in teamwork and        communication

(2)- You got to be gentle with your teammates because that will create a comfortable atmosphere for communication and will avoid the toxic behavior 

(3)-Then you got to be very attentive to the to the champion Champion Select to find enemy counters and
tactic compositions

(4)-You got to main a role or champion, you have to dominate a particular role or champion to secure a victory from your lane or role

(5)-You got to play with a friend with which you have sync to make WOMBO COMBOS

(6)-Pick Teemo, Teemo is the only way to win a game 

-Jose Tomas Espejo
-Alonso Silva

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