Monday 23 March 2015

How to sing in front of a lot of people

Before you are singing
1.- first, you have to find your stile
2.- then, you have to choose a song that you know very well to sing with more confidence. Keep the hardest song to sing when you got more experience.
3.- practice the most posible before your presentation. You should know your songs at all and to be abel to reach high notes.
4.- you have to work gradually on singing in front of people, for example, starts singing in front a few friends. Then, add more and more people.

Now, while you are singing
1.- always gone to being nervous, but if you sing a lot of times you gone to accoustom to the nervous until you don't feel it.
2.- you have to be open, accepted your voice and believe in you.
3.- ¡¡have fun!!, and tried to relax while you are singing
4.- foccus in the lyrics

Emilia Camus
Natalia Jimenez
Georgette Delgado