Monday 16 March 2015


Hey, guys!! Welcome to your writing blog, which was made for you to write and submit all your works in order to be corrected and graded by your teacher, as well as to leave comments for your classmates, so everyone can improve their writing.

As a place for learning and sharing, this has some RULES:

1. Submit only what you are asked. You are going to be given a particular task, and you’ll have a week to post it here in the blog. Make sure you do it on time. Avoid posting unnecessary things. Stuff unrelated to the English class will be deleted. At the end of the post please sign with your name(s).
2. Leave at least 2 comments for any of your classmates’ works. It’s part of your mark to leave two comments in two different posts from your classmates, helping them to improve their writing, or letting them know that you liked their work. BE POLITE. Any impolite comment, swearing and the like will be deleted. Hackers will discover who was the author of the comment was, and INTERPOL will be after you. So, stay away from trouble!

Hope you can take advantage of this tool! Be responsible, let’s make this work.

Warm regards,

Miss Camila

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