Wednesday 25 March 2015

How to get out of bronze

1) If you want get out of bronze you have to know play the 4 lines in this lines are the ADC(Atack Damage Carry), SUPP(Support),AP(Ability power), TOP and JG(Jungler).
2)you need to have runes and masters so your game experience will be a lot easier. every professional player reached challenger with runes and masters.
3)Having a nice attitude and being kind with the team, not going afk (Away From the Keyboard), you have to take the game serious and keep the communication with the team.
4) Don't use the champions you don't know how to use, when you have no practice you  have more posibilities to fail the attacks, to lose and your team report you.
5)You have to buychampions good and easy to use. And don't spend your money in cheap champions like master yi, teemo garen and poppy.
6)You have to buy the necessary items for each champion, if you do this well your champion can have a lot of more damage and this help to win your line and win the game.

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