Wednesday 18 March 2015

How to get to sleep in less time

1- Never consume caffeine: it's not recommended to consume tea,coffe or any other drink thats contain caffeine, this will make it difficult for you to sleep. if you good is an early and confortable sleeping,avoid them.

2-Not using cellphone at nigth: don't chat in whatsapp,watch videos on youtube or playing videogames, it's recommend to turn off your cellphone to recharge batteryfaster, and not only the cellphone,also the tv,thepc,the video game consoles and other electronic devices.

3-Drinking warm milk: It's always advisable to consume warm milk before bedtime if preferred, it can be with chocolate and sugar.
4-Avoid tabacco:   smoking is a great enemy of rest,besides our health,nicotine causes in our body it harder fall in a sleep.
5- A good rest area:The place where you sleep should be quiet and placeful,to have agood day.
6-remember to turn off the lights:Keep the lights on any part of your bedroom affects you sleep, so you have to turn off the ligths so they not interrup you sleep.

Ignacio Vicente and Sebastian Jofre          


  1. jajajaja I like it.....
    Felipe Zenteno

  2. its a good one but I am adiccted to coffe :P

    Valentin soto

  3. this is good! but i don't like warm milk, only cold.
    Good Job!
    Javiera Mellafe(;

  4. this is good! but i don't like warm milk, only cold.
    Good Job!
    Javiera Mellafe(;
