Monday 23 March 2015

How to get better of a cold

1.- First thing first. You have to stay in your house, quiet and warm and only go out if it's extremely necessary to, because if you leave it could get worse.

2.-You need to wrap up and try to don't catch another cold, it will get worse and will probably turn into a serious illness, you don't want that to happen.

3.- You need to have tissues with you always and anywhere you go in case of a running nose, because when you have a cold a common symptom are snots, and you don't want to sneeze without tissues near you, it will be very embarrasing.

4.- You have to take the right drugs for you, so it's necessary to go to a doctor and he give you the right medicine, never take drugs for yourself, it can be dangerous.

5.-Once you get better don't neglect, you need to keep staying warm and if you go out wrap up and don't forget to eat food that helps your antibodies.

6.- Take alternative home remedies adding the medicine that the doctor gave you, for example boldo te or mint te, they always work.

By: Valentina Alvarado and Bruno Carbone


  1. nice :D...
    Amira, Paulette and Paula

  2. These advises are very usefull for us.Is important to take care and to be aware in order to improve our health and to feel good.
    itself,this topic is very interesting for everyday.nice....
    Francesca Tubino y Cesia Riccio.
