Wednesday 18 March 2015

How to survive in the forest

-step 1: Find a safe place : try to be in a place near a river, make a bed in some place high, its easy to have one. If you want you can have a good view :)

-Step 2: Make weapons: with rocks and sticks you can make very good weapons to survive, try not to make a lot of noise when you hunt animals

-step 3: Make fire: when you have a place to stay, make a fire it´s difficult to crash rocks and make spark, but with patience you can make it

-step 4: Find food: with the weapons that you made (step 2) hunt animals and cook them, if you find fruits in trees or shruberrys make sure to know if that food is poisoned

-step 5: Water: if you did´nt ignore step 1, you will have water nearby, dont drink at the moment, you have to boil it to prevent sickness

-step 6: Get to the choppa: at the end of your adventure a choppa will go for you. you need to do a signal maybe burning the forest or green grass. if this happens to Bear grylls, it will happens to you, right?


  1. Valen you forgot put our names.... Written by Valentin Soto, Simon France and David Baeza

  2. jajajaja I loved it

    sebastian jofre

  3. jajajaja I loved it

    sebastian jofre

  4. Good advice, we'll totally use that if we get lost in the forest, of course we hope it doesnt happen to us... xD
    Javiera, Sofía, Ana.

  5. Good advice, we'll totally use that if we get lost in the forest, of course we hope it doesnt happen to us... xD
    Javiera, Sofía, Ana.
