Monday 23 March 2015

How to… get rid of being grounded
It’s stressful, but these top tips can help you to get it right.

1.     You need to confront your mistake, denying it will be best to assume the mistake than dening it, so your parents will think you are mature to take your mistake and the punishment may be milder.
2.     You have to study and do the schoolwork, so your parents would see that you are trying to be a better student.
3.     You have to be respectful with your parents, for example, when your mother tells you to go tidy up you room, respond her in a respectful way and obey her.
4.     You have to do the chores and help in any way they ask, help at home will make your parents be less responsibility beside work and they will have less stress.
5.     You have to show a radical change on you. Changing you parents you can against trust in you, they will not do it from one day to another, but if you show and keep the change they trust more quickly.
6.     You have to promise that you´ll never gonna make that mistake again. Because if you make the same mistake they will lose trust in you and that will be worse since it cost more to get back it.

Written by:

Felipe Zenteno
Javiera Chandia
Sofia Correa

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